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Photograph cheating spouses. Hand over the evidence. Cash my check.


That was my plan when I returned home to Holly Woods, Texas, and became a private investigator.


Finding the dead body in my dumpster? Yeah… Given the choice, I think I would have opted out of that little discovery, especially since all three of my brothers are cops. And my Italian grandmother is sure the reason I’m single is because of my job.


Of course, my connection to the victim is entirely coincidental. Until I’m hired by her husband to investigate her murder and shoved bang-smack into the path of Detective Drake Nash. My nemesis, a persistent pain in my ass, and one hell of a sexy son of a bitch.


Shame he still holds a grudge from that time I shot him in the foot twelve years ago, or we could have something. In another life.


So now all I have to do is avoid my nonna’s blind dates, try not to blackmail my brothers into giving me confidential police files, and absolutely do not point my gun at Drake Nash. Or kiss him. Or jump his bones.


All while I hunt down the killer.


Sounds totally simple—until a second body proves that sometimes things that start as coincidences don’t always end up that way…

One date with the sexier-than-sin Detective Drake Nash. Simple.


Until you take into account that my brother finally proposed to his girlfriend, so Nonna is on a warpath—and the crazy old bat has Cupid by the balls.

The upcoming mayoral elections has everyone running on full speed, and while I couldn’t give any less craps about the corrupt Holly Woods mayor’s office, a dead body in the middle of a campaign speech has me thrown right into the middle of it. The victim is close to the mayor, but all he cares about is minimizing the damage to his campaign, so he hires me to work alongside Drake to close the case as quickly as possible.


Bad news for our tentative relationship.


We disagree far more than we agree, but being at loggerheads won’t get this murder solved… Or deal with the arrival of someone from his past.


The mysteries behind the murder aren’t the only things unraveling, and despite being knee-deep in lies and corruption and bonds so tangled they’re almost indecipherable, I have to figure out if I’m willing to fight for Drake the way I do justice…


Or if he’ll be my one who gets away.


Detective Drake Nash: hot, alpha, bossy, and… mine.


Now, if someone could tell his ex that... I don’t care if the summer fayre is coming to Holly Woods and she’s on the planning committee. What I do care about is sugar-filled food, bright lights, late nights… and danger. The type that won’t come in the form of Nonna’s new cantankerous British parrot, Gio. (Please see the damage done to Mom’s new curtains.)


Unfortunately, when the danger comes, it comes in the form of something Holly Woods has never seen. The town is rocked to its core, and once again, I’m in danger. Only this time, it isn’t because of my clients—this time, I’m in danger because of who I am… Because of my heritage.


And despite the HWPD’s best efforts, the bodies keep on piling up.


Drake’s determined to protect me. I’m determined that I can do it myself.


Danger. Mystery. Darkness. Malice.


It’ll be a miracle if any of us make it out of this with guns unfired, cupcakes still frosted, and hearts intact…

Holly Woods is going to hell in a handbasket—but this time, Satanists aren’t to blame. Halloween is.


Nonna doesn’t understand why there are skeletons and demons everywhere. Mom is threatening to stitch a devil into Nonna’s pillowcase if she doesn’t shut up. Bek is bumbling over a date with Jason, the handsome FBI agent who conveniently got himself relocated to Austin, and I… Well. I’m considering running away to a town without the crazies.


Nothing new here.


Everything is going smoothly—too smoothly—and I can’t shake the feeling that something is about to happen. Drake insists I’m being paranoid… But when a body turns up at the Holly Woods Halloween party, we have a whole lot more than a murderer to worry about.


Because the prime suspect is his mom.


And it’s my job to prove she’s innocent.


If I thought Holly Woods was crazy before, I was wrong.

Devin is finally married. Nonna's on the wedding warpath. Drake might be getting ideas. His mom just dropped a bombshell, and Bek is caught between a hot as hell FBI agent and my super-sweet little brother.

And I still don't have the shoe closet Drake promised me when he moved in six months ago.

At least there's one positive: the old, abandoned Holly Woods Theater is about to reopen, and there's nothing like a theater opening to bring people together... And make crazy grandmothers forget proposal agendas.

Until that theater comes with a dead body. A very, very, very dead body.

Chaos is coming to town.

Everything I've ever known about Holly Woods might just be about to change.

Brody Bond. The youngest homicide detective in Holly Woods. My best friend’s younger brother.

Off. Freaking. Limits.

I’ve told myself that for the past five years, and I’m going to keep telling myself that. Besides—I’m kind-of dating Jason. I don’t need Brody. I shouldn’t even want him, but want him, I do.

Not that I have time to think about it. With Noelle and Drake in Mexico for two weeks, I’m holding down the fort at Bond P.I. Or I was… until I stumbled upon a young woman who’d been attacked while walking my dog.

Jason thinks it’s the latest in a long line of gang-rapes happening across three states. Brody thinks I’ve added a target to my back. Getting to the bottom of it is at the top of my to-do list.
Two men, both determined to protect me.

I think I could love one. I’m almost certain I’m in love with the other.

Ride or die just got a whole lot realer.


All is well in Holly Woods.

My best friend's love triangle is now a happy little circle. My sister-in-law just gave birth to my gorgeous new niece who is the world's best cuddler, and Nonna's—kind of—not on my back every ten minutes about the fact we're getting married in one month.


Until the mayor's niece—our baker for the wedding—commits suicide. At least, that's what the note says. My gut says we're talking a different kind of 'cide.' My gut also says I should stay well away, and in the interest of Drake's sanity, I plan to.

But when life throws you an unexpected curveball... Sometimes the best laid plans need tearing up.

Even if you don't mean to do it.

Happily ever after...

If Holly Woods survives this.

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